Causal inference of Seoul bike sharing demand

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Quan Yuan
Zhixin Yang
Yayuan Xiao



The global surge in environmental consciousness has significantly boosted the demand for rental bikes, particularly in metropolitan areas such as Seoul. This study delves into the causal relationships affecting this demand using a dataset from Seoul's bike-sharing system. Unlike previous research focusing predominantly on predictive analytics, this work innovatively applies multiple linear regression models to uncover causal inferences, offering insights that extend beyond mere forecasting. The challenges addressed include dealing with non-linear relationships and heteroscedasticity by employing the logarithmic transformation of rental counts. This approach not only aids in normalizing the data but also enhances the interpretability of the regression outcomes, emphasizing the changes in demand as a function of various environmental and temporal variables. Recent developments in causal inference methodologies have allowed for more robust and detailed analysis, paving the way for this study's contribution to the field. The findings underscore the significant influence of factors such as hour of the day, humidity, and seasonal changes on bike rental volumes, which can inform policy-making and operational strategies in urban transport planning.


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Article Details

Yuan, Q., Yang, Z., & Xiao, Y. (2024). Causal inference of Seoul bike sharing demand. Computational Mathematics and Its Applications, 005–009.

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