Mathematical Modeling of the Physics of Blood Flow along a Constricted Artery during Treatment of Cancer using Hyperthermia

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Annord Mwapinga



A numerical investigation of a unidirectional unsteady flow of blood and heat transfer through an artery with a stenotic condition during heat therapy has been performed aiming at determining the dynamics of fluid (blood) flow and heat transfer. Blood is treated to obey the Newtonian law of viscosity. The arterial wall is considered to be rigid due to the presence of stenosis. Heat transfer has been studied under the presence of external heat source that is used to raise body temperature during treatment under hyperthermia. The formulated model equations have been solved using finite difference scheme and simulations are done using MATLAB software. Velocity and temperature profiles have been plotted subject to varying some flow parameters such as Reynolds number, Pranditl number, Eckert number and heat the source parameter. Skin friction and Nusselt number have been plotted to see their varying behavior during heat therapy. A validation of this formulation is shown by comparing the current findings with those from the existing literature.


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Article Details

Annord Mwapinga. (2024). Mathematical Modeling of the Physics of Blood Flow along a Constricted Artery during Treatment of Cancer using Hyperthermia. Computational Mathematics and Its Applications, 010–017.

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