Algorithms for Distance-based Topological Indices for Zero Divisor Graphs of Commutative Rings with Primes

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DrKashif Elahi



Mathematical solutions are sometimes complex to solve mathematically. Algorithms can provide the solution to these problems. Our article introduced algorithms to compute distance-based topological indices for zero divisor graphs containing finite rings as Zp1p2 × Zq. and Zp2 × Zq, having primes p1, p2, and q. Algorithm results can be reused in standing physical structures, solving computer network problems, and designing mechanics.


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Article Details

Elahi, D. (2024). Algorithms for Distance-based Topological Indices for Zero Divisor Graphs of Commutative Rings with Primes. Computational Mathematics and Its Applications, 018–022.

Copyright (c) 2024 Elahi K.

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